Bach Bibliography
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Series : ^BachFestivalBerea$
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Scholz, RobertThe Art of Fugue. BachFestivalBerea 1950 26-38
2. Special Bach Festival Friday, Saturday and Sunday, November 10, 11 and 12, 1950. Baldwin-Wallace Conservatory of Music. BachFestivalBerea 1950 48p
3. Twenty Third Annual Bach Festival May 27, 28 and 29, 1955. Baldwin-Wallace Conservatory of Music. 23. Annual Bach Festival. BachFestivalBerea 23 1955 46p
4. Scholz, RobertThe Art of Fugue. BachFestivalBerea 24 1956 20-26
5. Twenty-Fourth Annual Bach Festival Friday and Saturday, May 25, 26, 1956. Baldwin-Wallace Conservatory of Music. 24. Annual Bach Festival. BachFestivalBerea 24 1956 58p
6. Baldwin Wallace College: 50th Annual Bach Festival (May 19 - 22, 1982). BachFestivalBerea 50 1982 76p
7. Baldwin-Wallace College. 58th Annual Bach Festival, May 18-19, 1990. BachFestivalBerea 1990 59p
8. Bach Festival: diamond jubilee, annotated program, Baldwin-Wallace College, May 15-17, 1992. BachFestivalBerea 60 1992 88p
9. Baldwin-Wallace College. Seventy-First Annual Bach Festival. Annotated Program. April 25-26, 2003. BachFestivalBerea 71 2003 86p
10. Baldwin-Wallace College. Seventy-Second Annual Bach Festival. Annotated Program. April 23-24, 2004. BachFestivalBerea 72 2004 90p
11. Baldwin-Wallace College. Seventy-Third Annual Bach Festival. Annotated Program. April 22-23, 2005. BachFestivalBerea 73 2005 76p
12. Baldwin-Wallace College. Seventy-Fourth Annual Bach Festival. The Oldest Collegiate Bach Festival in the Nation. Annotated Program. April 21-22, 2006. BachFestivalBerea 74 2006 100p
13. 75 Bach Festival. Annotated Program. April 20-22, 2007. BachFestivalBerea 75 2007 97p

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BachBib Search Engine 1ct Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita